Turn90 Columbia: A Check-in With Program Manager Sarah Brown

When we opened the doors to Turn90 Columbia in October 2021, truth be told, we had no idea how it would go. We were confident we’d prepared as best we could. The staff was trained and ready, and the program participants were on time for class. But! This was our first time replicating our pilot program. What were we missing that we didn’t even know about?

It turns out, there was plenty we didn’t know, and plenty of lessons to learn for our next expansion.

Still. Turn90 Columbia is more than we ever dreamed it could be. It’s served 18 men in the past four months, and a few participants are getting ready to become the first Columbia graduates. That being the case, we thought it was a great time to check in with our Columbia Program Manager, Sarah Brown, to see how things are really going up there.

The Ordering Process with Maura Langston

At Turn90, we make every effort to make our ordering process as smooth and transparent as possible. To that end, we recently sat down with Maura Langston, our Business Development Manager, to learn a bit more about how orders move through our system, and how we’re working to meet every customer’s needs


“I was nine years old the first time I saw a lady overdose from heroin,” Emanuel says. We’re minutes into our time together, and we’ve already discussed where he grew up (Greenville, South Carolina, in the same neighborhood as Jesse Jackson, with whom his mother went to high school), and what it was like (“a LOT of drugs,” he says, pulling a face). But this is the moment when I realize how different this story will be.