Turn90: Breaking The Cycle | By The Columbia Metropolitan

Amy Barch’s journey from a college student to the founder and executive director of Turn90, a nonprofit dedicated to helping men reintegrate into society after prison, is one of perseverance and dedication. After her eye-opening experience volunteering in a county jail during college, Amy recognized the need for more comprehensive support for individuals reentering society post-incarceration.

Despite facing resistance and disillusionment in previous attempts to effect change through public policy and nonprofit work, Amy remained steadfast in her commitment to making a difference. With determination and the support of key allies like Judge Richard Gergel and Mayor Joseph P. Riley Jr., Amy successfully launched Turn90, which offers a holistic approach including cognitive behavioral classes, job placement, and transitional work.

Through her relentless advocacy and hands-on efforts, Amy has transformed Turn90 into a thriving organization serving communities in Charleston and Columbia, South Carolina, and is now aiming to develop it into an evidence-based program that can be replicated nationwide. Despite the challenges, Amy’s unwavering dedication and belief in her mission continue to drive her forward.

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