The Ideal Life Partners with Turn90 to Launch Transformational Leadership Development Program

The Ideal Life Foundation has announced a new partnership with Turn90, a South Carolina-based nonprofit dedicated to breaking the cycle of incarceration, to launch a 12-week leadership development program designed to strengthen the organization’s mid-level management team and align leadership practices with strategic goals. This partnership, kicking off in February, will focus on equipping Turn90’s … Read more

Meet our Board Chair, William “Bill” Finn

It takes a special person to support a nonprofit from the ground up, walking by its side through bumpy roads and hairpin turns. Turn90 is lucky; since its earliest days, Board Chair William “Bill” Finn has been there. He helped raise the funding to launch Turn90 as a viable nonprofit that has helped hundreds of men find success after prison. He’s been there through program redesigns, changes to locations and names, and even a global pandemic. Today we’re excited to tell you a little about him.  

Building Foundations with the Central Carolina Community Foundation

Men coming home from prison routinely face obstacles that are difficult to overcome: lack of housing, transportation, and identification are three of the many issues faced as a result of separation from society over years or even decades. Turn90 has built a network of referral relationships to connect our program participants to the supportive services they need.

Recent feedback told us it’s not enough.

Screen Printing Quality Checks at the Turn90 Print Shop

You already know Turn90 is the Print Shop with a Purpose. We are the most logical choice for screen printing in South Carolina for anyone who wants their hard-earned money to serve people who need a little extra help. We operate in Columbia and Charleston but we’re happy to ship elsewhere, even out of state.

But we’re also a fully-functioning professional screen-printing shop dedicated to meeting all your apparel needs on time and meeting the highest quality standards. To that end, every garment that goes to press passes through no less than SIX quality assurance checkpoints.

With violence rates rising, Turn90 is more relevant than ever

It’s important to note, however, that violence against Black people doesn’t just come from radicalized white men. The truth is most of the death comes from violence on the streets of cities across America. Cities like North Charleston, which remains Turn90’s home headquarters. The experiences of the men we serve bear that out; a recent informal survey found that, of the eight Black men in our Print Shop on a Friday afternoon, seven of them knew someone impacted by gun violence or death. When Malik told us his story, he spoke of at least four murders committed by Black men against other Black men, three of which have to date gone unsolved.

New Options, Same Great Print Shop

Our customers mean the world to us. After all, it’s your orders that make it possible for us to fulfill our social mission of keeping men from returning to prison!

So when we hear our customers say they need a change, we listen! Introducing DECO, a new way for you to request quotes and submit orders to the Turn90 Print Shop.

New Product Alert – Super-Soft Tie-Dye T-Shirts

If you’re like us, you love a good tie-dye t-shirt, especially in the springtime, when bright colors are most in style.

And if you’re like us, you also hate the way so many tie-dye t-shirts are heavy cotton and are scratchy against your skin.

New Tie-Dye T-Shirt

Good news! Our friends at Alternative have just released a brand new “go-to t-shirt” in four tie-dye colors (blue, gold, grey, and pink), and we’re excited to share it with you, our favorite customers

Mass Incarceration in 2022 (via Prison Policy Initiative)

Our country continues incarcerating people at higher rates than any other country in the world. In a typical year, approximately 600,000 people enter prison, while people go to jail at least 10,000,000 times. If you loaded all those people on a bus, you’d have full busses parked end-to-end from New York City to San Francisco.

Contract Pricing at the Turn90 Print Shop

Are you in the business of creating marketing materials for cool local organizations?

Do you want to be able to offer t-shirts and totes but don’t know how?

We’ve got an answer for you!

With Turn90 contract pricing, you can get amazing custom-printed, branded merch for your clients at a fraction of the cost.