Strategic Plan

Turn90’s strategic plan is our roadmap for creating a model of prison reentry that can be replicated nationwide to give as many people as possible the skills and opportunities to live free from incarceration.

Vision, Mission + Values

A future where every person leaving prison has the skills and opportunities to live free from incarceration.

Turn90 is a nonprofit employment social enterprise that combines job training, supportive services, and peer mentorship to create a pathway to success after prison.

Quality & Excellence
Giving our 100% effort, not taking short-cuts and always striving to be the best

Caring & Compassion
Greeting every person we see, going the extra mile and relationships first 

Innovative & Problem Solving
Seeing setbacks as opportunities, flexible team, and collaborative working style

Trusted & Reliable 
Do what we say we will do, transparent and honest in our words and actions

5 Pillars + 15 Goals

Goal 1: Improved systems
Revise existing standard operating procedures and create new systems for expanded business with a focus on utilizing technology for organization and management. 

Goal 2: Sustainable practices
Execute a sustainable resource management plan with goals to reduce waste, foster a conservation-minded workplace culture and responsibly manage assets. 

Goal 3: Quality standards
Raise the bar on systems of accountability and training as well as standards for product packaging to enhance brand value and reduce rework. 

Goal 4: Business diversification
Strategically expand T90 Print Shop capabilities and grow T90 Logistics to enhance job training and open up additional revenue streams. 

Goal 5: Increase sales
Upgrade tools to improve communication and awareness of Turn90’s social enterprises and better planning and execution to generate new business. 

Goal 6: Philanthropic growth 
Build our support network throughout South Carolina, obtain grant funding from a national foundation and federal resources to facilitate a program evaluation.

Goal 7: Create learning pathways 
Develop a roadmap of program journeys and learning pathways, identify training gaps, create content and implement a LMS to deliver training programs.

Goal 8: Program Manager training
Create a scalable training program for the Program Manager role, incorporating screening through intake, classroom facilitation, and delivering individual case management. 

Goal 9: Trainee & Team Lead development
Improve on-the-job training in our social enterprises while expanding opportunities to earn skill-based certifications and launch a new Team Lead management training program.

Goal 10: Quality assurance
Establish and implement a quality assurance framework to ensure program delivery consistently meets T90 standards across all three sites. 

Goal 11: Job placement
Increase job placement outcomes by better addressing emergency and educational needs and strengthening our portfolio of job partners. 

Goal 12: Classroom curriculum
Enhance our skill-building classroom curriculum by incorporating videos, participant workbooks and online learning tools. 

Goal 13: Build our team
Serve more men out of prison across the state and hire the team members critical to reaching our goal for program expansion and business growth. 

Goal 14: Lieber Prison initiative 
Collaborate with prison staff, volunteers and community groups to improve living and working conditions at Lieber Prison and increase success after release. 

Goal 15: Upstate expansion
Complete our statewide expansion plan with the launch of T90 Spartanburg, grow business for a job training program and build partnerships within the local community.