Yes, Turn90’s spoilage policy follows industry standard which is a 2% spoilage rate - meaning that 2 out of 100 of all garments ordered will incur some form of damage during the production process. This is simply an acceptable margin of error that exists in our industry and supply chain.
What Is Spoilage?
Spoilage is the wastage or loss of material considered acceptable during the manufacturing process. A spoilage allowance is how much waste is considered acceptable on an order by the manufacturer’s standards.
When To Order Exact Quantities
It is assumed that delivery of an order less a spoilage allowance is acceptable unless you specify otherwise. While no specific communication is triggered, the order will be invoiced for the actual number of pieces less any spoilage.
If your job requires an extremely specific quantity/size breakdown, we recommend padding your order to ensure that you end up with the correct amount - with a few extras at the very least.
Please let us know before approving your quote if you need exact quantities so we can note it on your order.
How Will I Know If There Is Spoilage on An Order?
As long as damaged pieces are within the spoilage allowance, no specific communication is triggered. Your invoice will indicate how many garments went to spoilage, if any.
How Am I Charged for Spoilage?
You will only be charged for the quantity delivered. You will not be charged for the decoration of spoiled garments.
Can I Provide Replacements for Spoilage After the Job Has Been Run?
Volume pricing is based on one setup. Any overages you are supplying must be available when the job is set up and the order is being produced. You cannot wait to see if there are misprints on an order before ordering replacements.
If you have ordered extra garments to account for spoilage and do not want them printed on, please let us know prior to production. We will return these items to you unprinted and you will not be charged for decoration.
If you prefer to order replacements for spoilage after a job has been run, the order is treated as a new order and the original pricing may not apply.
What Happens If the Spoilage Rate Exceeds the 2% Allowable Rate?
While rare, going over the spoilage allowance is a possibility. Most of the time, you wouldn't know this happened as we can typically replace any garments that fall outside of the 2% range. However, there are some jobs that are too labor intensive to reorder garments for and then set up again, or the reorder/reprint may not be received in time to meet the customer in-hand date.
In these cases, we'll go one of two ways:
If the invoice was partially paid, we'll refund the original invoice purchase price for the damaged garments.
If the invoice is paid in full, we'll credit the account towards a future order.